Complaints and Concerns
Complaints Policy
In accordance with Section 29 (1) of the Education Act 2002, all maintained schools and maintained nursery schools must have and publish procedures to deal with all complaints relating to their school and to any community facilities or services that the school provides, for which there are no separate (statutory) procedures.
In the first instance please speak to your child's teacher with any concerns you may have.
You can email and this will be forwarded to the relevant parties to respond.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can then request a meeting with our Headteacher and begin to follow our complaints policy.
If your complaint is regarding a child with SEN, you may also raise this with our SENDco Mrs Chambers.
The staff and governing body at St Johns would prefer that all concerns should be addressed and resolved informally with the member of staff involved or discussed with a member of the senior leadership team. However there may be occasions when a concern cannot be resolved by meeting and discussing this with a member of staff and then the parent/carer may decide to make a formal complaint.
Please read our School Complaints policy which is drafted from the guidelines supplied by the local authority.
Please can we respectfully remind you that social media should not be used to complain about individual issues; please contact a member of the senior leadership team if you have a particular concern and we will be very happy to help you.