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Curriculum Statement

At St John's Primary School our curriculum design enables ALL learners to have equal access to all learning opportunities on offer throughout their school journey.

Our leadership and teachers work very hard on developing the curriculum to be exciting and engaging for your child.

How to find out more about our curriculum?

  • Each icon below contains an in depth look at each subject we offer at St Johns.
  • Meet the teacher event at the start of each academic year
  • Year group pages offer an in depth look at what your child will be learning, along with lots of helpful information on how to support your child
  • Parents consultations are a great chance to ask for more information about your child's curriculum. These are held twice a year.
  • Regular updates in our weekly newsletters and communications
  • Half termly curriculum newsletters from each Year group.
  • Parents are welcomed into school regularly for curriculum showcase events and workshops
  • You can email your child's year group for further information from Teachers

Please be aware, you can request paper copies of all information available on our website if needed.

Curriculum Policy

Please click the year group page link below to see what your child will be learning this year, and to find out more information about their teachers.

Please click any of the links below to find out more about a specific subject.